Dr Elsey's Senior Cat Litter

Sale price
R 324.50
Regular price
R 649.00
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R 324.50 (50%)
Product Description

Silica Gel Litter Traps Urine and Odour on Contact to Help Prevent Urinary Tract Infections.

Senior Litter works to keep your cat clean and helps prevent infection by trapping urine and odour on contact.

Senior Litter absorbs urine and odour on contact and traps it inside the crystals to keep a cat’s genital area clean to help prevent kidney failure and urinary tract infections. The small particle size and dust fines also coat and dehydrate cat faeces to reduce odour. Dr. Elsey’s Senior Litter is cleaner because it contains no organic material such as wheat, pine, corn, paper or cedar. This litter is an amorphous silica gel infused with hydrolysed herbs to draw cats to the litter box. Each box contains a free Litter Box Solutions Booklet to help cat owners solve their litter box problems.

Available as a 3.6kg bag.

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Cat Litter Tips:

New Users:

Pour Dr. Elsey’s Senior into a clean litter box, using half as much as you would with a clay based litter. Top off the Senior with the litter you are using now, mixing as you add.

Give your cat time to get used to the crystal texture.

Once your cat is used to the crystal texture (about one week), empty the litter box completely into the trash, and refill with Dr. Elsey’s Senior.

Experienced Users:

Pour 2.5cm of Dr. Elsey’s Senior into a clean litter box.

Remove solid waste daily and rake crystals to ensure freshness. Litter does not form scoopable clumps.

A single litter box filled with Dr. Elsey’s Senior can handle multiple cats but we recommend using more than one litter box if you have more than one cat.

Crystals may become discoloured. The colour does not affect the performance. One application will typically last two weeks depending on use. After two weeks, completely dump the contents of the box and wash with mild soap and hot water.

Refill with 2.5cm of Dr. Elsey’s Senior.

A Clean Litter Box Means a Good Home for Your Cat

Establish routines for your cat. Feed your cat regularly at the same time and in the same place everyday. Playtime is important, at least 15 minutes a day. Keep toys handy and a scratching post nearby. A happy, content cat is least likely to develop behaviour problems.

Urinary infections are one of the causes of kidney failure in cats. Kidney failure is the number one cause of death in senior cats. Senior cats are 45 times more likely to have urinary tract infections as a result of not being able to keep their genital area clean and having more diluted urine. Senior cats have a lowered natural resistance to urinary infections. Kidney failure, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism all lead to more dilute urine resulting in lower resistance to infection. They have reduced saliva production, more dental disease, and arthritis. These conditions prevent effective grooming and can cause an increase of bacteria leading to urinary infections. Regular teeth cleaning, at your veterinarian, prevents oral pain which leads to poor grooming habits. Senior cats should be seen by their veterinarian every six months for a complete check-up.

NOTE: Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling the litter box. A parasite sometimes found in cat faeces can cause toxoplasmosis. Encouraging your cat to use an indoor litter box, or properly disposing of outdoor cat faeces, is beneficial to overall water quality. Please do not flush cat litter in toilets or dispose of it outdoors in gutters or storm drains.


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