What is Milko-Pup?
It resembles bitch’s milk in fat and protein content so it’s a good food source for orphaned or rejected puppies, and also for those nursing but requiring supplementation. Being highly digestible Milko-Pup can also be used for growing puppies and adult dogs under stress, e.g. during convalescence.
What are the benefits of Milko-Pup?
Milko-Pup supplies concentrated energy - it contains all the essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements required by puppies for healthy growth and development. Dogs love the taste of Milko-Pup.
How do you use Milko-Pup? Prepare freshly for each feeding.
- Mix one measure Milko-Pup to two measures lukewarm water in the Kyron Pet Nurser Kit.
- After 4 weeks of age, add one measure Milko-Pup to 3 measures lukewarm water and use as often as required.
250g or 5kg (both with measure)
Store in a cool place (below 20 C) and away from direct sunlight.