Chicken recipe dry puppy food with the right balance of ingredients and minerals to support brain & eye development. Contains DHA from fish oil, as well as quality protein for lean muscle growth.
Your little pup is growing at a fast rate, and you'll need a quality dog food that can keep up with his or her growing needs. HILL'S SCIENCE PLAN Puppy dry food with Chicken provides the right balance of ingredients and minerals to support the puppy development, so they get the best start in life & grow to their full potential. To help your growing dog's brain and eye development, this puppy food contains DHA from fish oil, as well as quality protein for lean muscle growth. The balanced set of minerals helps promote your puppy's bones, as well as strong, healthy teeth. Plus, it's formulated with decades of cutting-edge research to be a great-tasting dog food puppies can truly enjoy.
Maize, chicken and turkey meal, animal fat, digest, maize gluten meal, dried beet pulp, flaxseed, minerals, fish oil, brewer's rice.
Guaranteed Analysis:
Protein: 27.1% | Fat Content: 17.8% | Crude Fiber: 1.8% | DHA: 0.15% | Crude Ash: 6.7% | Calcium: 1.2% | Phosphorous: 1.0% | Sodium: 0.45% | Potassium: 0.74% | Magnesium: 0.10%
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